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Edwardiansk snørestøvle med pompadour hæl, 1900-1915 -cognac brun - Rose

1.800,00 kr
Gratis Fragt & Gratis Retur
100 dages fuld returret

Feminine og elegante flotte Edwardianske snørestøvler med pompadour hæl.

Støvlerne er fremstillet af super blødt ægte læder.

Støvlerne er tætsiddende, med spids snude og med buttede franske pompadour hæle. Hælenes facon er 100 % tro overfor perioden og med hælhøjde på 7 cm.

De lette og tynde såler er fremstillet af ægte læder. Den indvendige sål er også af læder. Foret består af råhvidt lærred, præcis som i de originale støvler fra perioden. 

Støvlerne lukkes med lange snørebånd af bomuld, og de mange små huller er afstivet med metalringe indvendig.

For at give støvlerne komfort er der bløde silikoneindlæg under lædersålen og hælens placering giver god balance. Det meget bløde skind gør den tætsiddende støvle meget behagelig. 

Støvlerne fås i størrelserne 35-43

Der medfølger ekstra sorte lange snørebånd og plastsåler til hælen

Materialer: Læder, bomuldslærred, bomulds snørebånd

Farve: Cognac brun

Mærke: memery

Hvilken størrelse er bedst for mig? De fleste af mine kunder køber deres standardstørrelse. Men jeg anbefaler at følge størrelsesguiden. Placeret lige under "Vælg størrelse"

Bred eller Normal - hvilken bredde skal jeg vælge? Hvis modellen også findes i bred. Bredde modeller er to størrelser op i brede end den almindelige størrelse, men samme længde. Jeg anbefaler at vælge bred, hvis du normalt køber brede sko. Mine brede sko svarer til en EEE i størrelse.

Husk der er GRATIS fragt begge veje. Så kan du prøve skoene hjemme. Du sender nemt retur eller bytter via min returportal. Du kan altid få penge tilbage og har 100 dages returret. Vi er ikke fashion:)

Memery er et nyt skomærke der fremstiller vintage style sko og strik som er inspireret af 20’erne frem til 60’erne, dog i nutidige størrelser og med god og behagelig komfort. Originale vintage sko er ofte udtrådte, meget små og ukomfortable.

Memery sko har det samme udtryk som de gamle, men samtidig er de behagelige at have på med de bløde såler og åndbare materialer. Desuden er der et bredt udvalg af størrelser, så de passer alle. - Så til dig der elsker vintagesko er memery et godt alternativ. Skoene er også et godt valg hvis du er til feminine, klassiske og helt enkle sko. Skoene er flotte både til bukser og kjoler og anvendelig til både hverdag og fest.

💕 Mette


Customer Reviews

Based on 135 reviews
Courtney F.
Soft, secure, comfortable!

Was hesitant that these would be as comfy as everyone said they were, but they are! Usually my toes get squished in heels, but I didn't even need the wide size for these. Usually a 6.5US, ordered a 7, and they're perfect with socks. The only thing I wish was offered was the option for larger laces. I have wide calves/ankles from ballet, and I wish I could lace these all the way. Otherwise, perfect!

Dear Courtney. Thank you for the wonderful picture of you wearing our Rose boots, and thank you for the kind words on them as well. We appreciate your feedback regarding the laces and we'll take it into consideration for future products. Best Ditte

Celina T.
Beautiful boots in and out

They are well made and very comfortable though they are heels. I would recommend big time.

Dear Celina. Thank you so much, we're so pleased to hear that! Best Ditte

Mar F.F.
Great fit!

very beautiful and really comfortable.

So lovely to hear! Thank you for your kind review. Best Ditte

I love my boots, they're super comfortable

I love my boots, they're super comfortable and I wore them for the first time dancing the whole night at a wedding party. I also have the shoes and it won't stop there... :-)

Hi Claire. We're so happy the Rose boots were perfect for dancing the night away at a wedding party! We'll be happy to have you as returning customer. Best Ditte

Tim J.
Fabulous boots!

These were bought as a gift for my wife. She loves them. Very stylish, well made, good customer service. Thank you. We are now Memery Fans 🤗

Hi Tim. So happy to hear your wife liked the boots, and that you're now both memery fans! Best Ditte

Xu B.
My dream shoes

I love them! The construction is impeccable, the leather is so soft and luscious and the shape of the heel is perfectly elegant. The laces have a bit of trouble fitting through the holes which is tricky since I have to unlace them down 5 or 6 holes then relace them back up. They are very comfortable and I will be wearing them very often, if the weather permits!

Hi Max.
We are thrilled to hear that the Rose boots are your dream boots and that you love them! Our boots are made after original authentic designs, which also means a bit of lacing, but I promise it gets easier in time, when you get the hang of it. Happy styling! Best Ditte

Joan C.S.

The most beautiful shoes. Made with care, butter soft, comfortable to wear (and they're the highest heel I wear!). I can run in them and they really put a strut into my step.

One thing to be aware of- it takes a long time to get these on and off. You might need a friend to help whilst you're getting used to it! No pain, no gain, but not a slip on shoe.

Hi Alice. How lovely to hear the Rose boots fit you so well, and that you walk, and even run in them with comfort. The lacing does take some time in the beginnning but we promise in time you'll get the hang of it and it will become quicker. Thank you for your review! Best Ditte

Victoire L.D.
The perfect shoes!

This shoes are simply perfect, they are so elegant and they make a beautiful feet shape. They are comfortable and the fact they come with lace and heels replacements is a nice plus! I cannot wait to wear them more often ♥

Dear Vicky. How lovely to hear the Rose boots fit you perfectly. We want your new boots to last many years to come, so we're glad you like the spare heels, lace and eyelets in the box. Best Ditte

Melanie S.
Edwardian cognac boots

I am absolutely delighted with my Edwardian cognac boots ! I was considering buying them for months and now I have, I wish I’d bought them sooner . They are absolutely beautiful , so exquisitely made , with a lovely finish in a rich rise brown and fit incredibly well. The customer service I have received has been excellent and I’ll look forward to buying more shoes from your wonderful company . Thank you so much Melanie Speakman

Hi Melanie.
Thank you for the wonderful review, we're so pleased to hear you love your new Rose boots so much, and that you liked our customer service as well. We will be thrilled to have you as a returning customer. Best DItte

Savannah P.

I ordered these lovely boots for my 2025 wedding. I couldn’t not be more pleased! They are beautifully made in the softest shade of creamy rose on very smooth leather. All the details of construction are just perfect (and I had sent back several pairs of shoes from other brands because of poor construction before finding these). Also, as a lady with a large foot (US 11), it’s so nice to have found a reliable company that carries my size, and the sizing is accurate. 10/10 highly recommend and am tickled to wear them this spring!

Hi Savannah
We're so honored to hear you chose memery as your wedding shoes, and that the Rose boots were the perfect fit for you! We hope you'll have the most wonderful day! Best Ditte