Edwardianske snørestøvler - 1910 - brun - Alice
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Flotte Edwardianske hverdags snørestøvler.
Støvlerne er fremstillet af full-grain læder og med lædersåler.
Støvlerne er typiske for for den Edwardianske periode (1890-1920) med langt tætsiddende snøret støvleskaft og spids snude. Støvlen har en 5,3 cm medium høj praktisk hæl. Indvendig er der foer af lærred og lædersåler - ligesom ved originale støvler fra denne periode.
Ved støvlens snude er der et fint lille hulmønster.
Hælenes lidt kraftige facon giver rigtig god komfort, balance og stabilitet.
Sålen er fremstillet af ægte læder, hvilket gør skoen fleksibel og åndbar. For at give støvlerne komfort er der bløde silikoneindlæg under lædersålen indvendig.
Skoene fås i størrelserne 35-43 i normal og bred pasform
Hælhøjde 5,3 cm
Der medfølger ekstra sorte lange snørebånd.
Materialer: Læder, lædersåler, bomuldssnørebånd.
Farve: Sort
Mærke: memery
Hvilken størrelse er bedst for mig? De fleste af mine kunder køber deres standardstørrelse. Men jeg anbefaler at følge størrelsesguiden. Placeret lige under "Vælg størrelse"
Bred eller Normal - hvilken bredde skal jeg vælge? Hvis modellen også findes i bred. Bredde modeller er to størrelser op i brede end den almindelige størrelse, men samme længde. Jeg anbefaler at vælge bred, hvis du normalt køber brede sko. Mine brede sko svarer til en EEE i størrelse.
Husk der er GRATIS fragt begge veje. Så kan du prøve skoene hjemme. Du sender nemt retur eller bytter via min returportal. Du kan altid få penge tilbage og har 100 dages returret. Vi er ikke fashion:)
Memery er et nyt skomærke der fremstiller vintage style sko og strik som er inspireret af 20’erne frem til 60’erne, dog i nutidige størrelser og med god og behagelig komfort. Originale vintage sko er ofte udtrådte, meget små og ukomfortable.
Memery sko har det samme udtryk som de gamle, men samtidig er de behagelige at have på med de bløde såler og åndbare materialer. Desuden er der et bredt udvalg af størrelser, så de passer alle. - Så til dig der elsker vintagesko er memery et godt alternativ. Skoene er også et godt valg hvis du er til feminine, klassiske og helt enkle sko. Skoene er flotte både til bukser og kjoler og anvendelig til både hverdag og fest.
💕 Mette
These boots are not just very beautiful but they are also very comfortable! I have super sensitive feet and I get blisters even wearing sneakers. But these boots are made of a very soft leather and they are lined so you can't feel the seams. The hight of the heel is also very comfortable to walk in (mind you I hate shoes with heels!) So you have the comfort of a a very comfortable walking shoe but the looks of an elegant boot! And the quality is so good, I'm sure these boots will last for quite some time!!
Thank you for your kind words about our Edwardian everyday walking boots! We're so happy to hear that they were not only beautiful, but also comfortable for your sensitive feet. Our team takes pride in using high quality materials and ensuring a comfortable fit for our customers. We hope you continue to enjoy your boots for a long time to come. Thank you for choosing our brand Mette
The boots are done with high standards. I only did not foresee that without a zipper tightening the laces was a tedious process.
Thank you for your positive feedback on our Alice boots! We're glad to hear that you appreciate the high quality of leather used in our products. Our boots are made to be true to original vintage designs, which is why we have chosen to not put zippers in. But we promise, you'll get the hang of it in time, and it will be easier to lace them when you have done it a few times. Best Ditte
Very satisfied with the shoes! I ordered 38 wide version, and it is very comfortable, not at all too wide. Looks like normal shoes, nice to be able to wiggle my toes! It fits even a thin woollen sock - excellent!
Hi Laura. Thank you for your review! We're glad to hear that you are satisfied with the quality and comfort of our Alice boots. Best Ditte
Love these boots so much. I’d had lots of recommendations from friends on and offline, and am delighted I finally bought a pair. The first pair I received were faulty, but the customer service team were absolutely brilliant, sending me a voucher as well as paying for repairs by a cobbler, and then sending me a new pair of boots altogether when this still didn’t fix them, all no-questions-asked. I am very grateful and look forward to buying from Memery again soon. If you’re hesitating… get them!
Thank you for oyur lovely review of your new Alice botos, we're so happy to hear you love them! Our shoes are handmade, and sometimes mistakes do unfortunately happen, but we're always more than happy to help you out, and we're glad to hear you liked our customer service. Thanks for the lovely pictures as well! Best Ditte
I started with what seemed to be a size too small, but as these mold to my feet, it's hard to want to wear the other shoes I have. While breaking them in has been a bit rough, I've never loved a pair of boots so much!
Thank you so much for your lovely review. Our shoes and boots are made of full grain leather, so in time they will soften up and expand a bit, but then they will become the most comfortable shoes you've every owned. We're very happy to hear you love your new boots so much. Best Ditte
These boots are everything I looked for and, what is also important, the quality justifies the price. I do not mind to tie the laces all the way up when I need to wear them since they complete my look just the way I like for it to be.
Dear Nevenka. Thank you for the beautiful pictures of you in our Alice boots! You look stunning. Thank you for the kind words as well, we truely appreciate it. Best Ditte
You will not find a better victorian boot than this. I have purchased several over the years, but Memery has perfected the fit and the quality. These boots are lined in cotton - fantastic! The arch in the boots is exactly in the right place for the foot, They are beautiful! Plus they were packed with such love in cloth bags and a beautiful box. They are the best.
Hi Denise. Thank you for your wonderful review, we're so happy to hear you love the Alice boots! Best Ditte
I absolutely adore these boots, once I’d mastered getting into them, there was no stopping me!
So comfortable, & I’m a walker. Could walk miles in these and have done!
Hi Marion. We're so pleased to hear the Alice boots fit you perfectly, and that you could walk for miels and mile sin them! I promise they will bbe easier to lace in time, it won't be soon until you get the hang of it. Best Ditte
They are the most comfortable boots I've ever had. They're incredibly soft and they don't ruin my feet (I've always had problems with every kind of boots). Plus, the shipping has been really fast. I'll purchase again from this shop!!
Hi Idoia. Thank you so much for your kind review, we're so happy to hear you finally found a comfortable boot that fit you! Best Ditte