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1930'er oxford pumps - Cognac brun - Marie

1.450,00 kr
Gratis Fragt & Gratis Retur
100 dages fuld returret

Elegante 1930'er inspirerede Oxford læder pumps med snøre og ultra feminint hulmønster. Skoene er med Spanske medium høje hæle og med facon og kurver som er 100 % tro til perioden. Snørebåndende er af grosgrain bånd.

Sålerne er af læder hvilket gør skoen fleksibel og åndbar. For at give skoen komfort er der bløde silikoneindlæg under lædersålen - Så slut med ømme fødder efter en lang dag. 

Skoene er også anvendelige som dansesko og som brudesko.

Skoene findes i størrelserne 35-43 

Hælen er 7,3 cm.

Ekstra snørebånd og såler til hælene medfølger.

Materialer:  Læder, grosgrain snørebånd

Farve: Cognac Brun

Mærke: memery

Navn: Marie

Hvilken størrelse er bedst for mig? De fleste af mine kunder køber deres standardstørrelse. Men jeg anbefaler at følge størrelsesguiden. Placeret lige under "Vælg størrelse"

Bred eller Normal - hvilken bredde skal jeg vælge? Hvis modellen også findes i bred. Bredde modeller er to størrelser op i brede end den almindelige størrelse, men samme længde. Jeg anbefaler at vælge bred, hvis du normalt køber brede sko. Mine brede sko svarer til en EEE i størrelse.

Husk der er GRATIS fragt begge veje. Så kan du prøve skoene hjemme. Du sender nemt retur eller bytter via min returportal. Du kan altid få penge tilbage og har 100 dages returret. Vi er ikke fashion:)

Memery er et nyt skomærke der fremstiller vintage style sko og strik som er inspireret af 20’erne frem til 60’erne, dog i nutidige størrelser og med god og behagelig komfort. Originale vintage sko er ofte udtrådte, meget små og ukomfortable.

Memery sko har det samme udtryk som de gamle, men samtidig er de behagelige at have på med de bløde såler og åndbare materialer. Desuden er der et bredt udvalg af størrelser, så de passer alle. - Så til dig der elsker vintagesko er memery et godt alternativ. Skoene er også et godt valg hvis du er til feminine, klassiske og helt enkle sko. Skoene er flotte både til bukser og kjoler og anvendelig til både hverdag og fest.

💕 Mette


Customer Reviews

Based on 185 reviews
Whitney M.
Love them!

Got my shoes today! (Marie, in cognac brown). They are beautiful, and they fit perfectly! So excited to wear them (once the 2 feet of snow melts!)

Hi Whitney.
How lovely to hear the Marie pumps fit you perfectly and they're as beautiful as you expected. Best Ditte

Mette R.J.

Fantastisk behagelige og velsiddende sko som jeg ellers sjældent kan finde i str 43.

Tusind tak for de fine ord, vi er rigtig glad for at høre at vores Marie sko passer dine fødder perfekt. Hilsen Ditte

Jana H.
Beautiful shoes, well made

I had ordered the Marie shoes in the red-brown shade in size 38, as my other memery pairs always fit quite well in that size. Generally I’m a 37.5-38 depending on the shoes and my feet are relatively wide at the front, so sometimes shoes tend to be a bit narrow for me in the front. Unfortunately, these were about half a size too big for me, so I had to return them. The return was easy and customer service was friendly, so returning them wasn’t a problem. I wish half sizes were available, but I will try a size down (37) when they’re available again. Apart from that, the shoes are well made and absolutely gorgeous. A beautiful deep shade of a brownish red, a lovely 1930s shape. I can’t wait to try them in a smaller size, hoping that they’ll fit, because they look like an absolute dream !

Dear Jana. We're very happy to hear you liked our customer service, and you found the shoes to be well made and beautiful. We're always more than happy to help you with the sizing, just write to our customer service or you can book a 1:1 video call, where we'd be happy to answer any question you may have. You can book here:
Best Ditte

Miss L.
Art Deco Delightfulness

My most recent addition to a growing Memery collection. With my exceedingly wide feet, the brand is a godsend. Marie has got to be the most beautiful, elegant looking shoe I have ever seen. I've not been able to wear anything so gorgeous before, firstly because wide fitting shoes are usually the ugliest design imaginable, and secondly because I often struggle with wearing heels. Before I discovered Memery, a 1.25" heel caused me problems. But these shoes are always so well balanced and sturdy, I now find myself able to stride in nigh on three inches! These shoes are so stunning, they truly look three pinnacle of 1930s footwear.

Hi Lizzie. We're so happy to hear that you're enjoying your Marie shoes and that they have become a wonderful addition to your memery collection. We understand the struggle of finding wide fitting shoes that are both stylish and comfortable, so we're thrilled to know that our brand has helped you. Happy styling! Best Ditte

Julie B.

Wonderful! Very comfortable shoes.

Hi Julie. We're very glad to hear you like your new Marie pumps and find them comfortable. Best Ditte

Well made classics

Very comfy, good fit (true to size). Looking forward to wearing them everywhere!

Dear Megan.
So happy to hear you found your new Marie shoes comfortable and the perfect fit. Best Ditte

Deanna S.
Fulfilling a wish.

My 20 yr old granddaughter had these on her Christmas Wish List. I'm sure she will love them! They are beautiful!

Hi Deanna.
Thank you for your wonderful review, we hope your granddaughter will love her new Marie pumps! Best Ditte

Julie S.
Happy smilely face (and feet too!)

Quality, beautiful, comfortable and so stylish! Couldn’t ask for more. Fabulous!

Dear Julie. Thank you so much, we're so happy to hear that. Best Ditte

Best shoes I ever had

These are the best and comfortible shoes I ever had! I Love them.

How lovely to hear that! Thank you so much. Best Ditte


This is the second pair of shoes I purchased and I am equally impressed by the quality of material and the fit - very comfortable. They look true vintage and have great style. Love them. As with previous review it would be great to have more of the standard width shoes available in wider fit then I could purchase more but unfortunately standard would be too tight. Keep up the good work.

Dear Mrs. T.P. Thank you for your kind words on our shoes, we're very happy to have you as a returning customer! Thank you for your feedback on the wider styles, hopefully some day in the future we will have all our shoes and boots in wide models - it just takes time. Best Ditte