1940'er vintage style Derby sko i ruskind - Lav hæl - Navy blå - Esther
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Lækre og bløde 40’er inspirerede vintage Derby sko
Skoene er fremstillet i ægte ruskind med fint hulmønster og med snørebånd i velour.
Skoene er typisk for slut.1940’erne med lidt rund snude og med lav bred hæl (3 cm høj). Hælenes lidt kraftige facon giver god komfort og stabilitet.
Sålen er fremstillet af ægte læder, hvilket gør skoen fleksibel og åndbar. For at give skoen komfort er der bløde silikoneindlæg under lædersålen.
Skoene fås i størrelserne 35-43 i normal og bred pasform
Materialer: Ruskind, læder, snørebånd i velour, og lædersål.
Farve: Navy blå
Navn: Esther
Mærke: memery
Hvilken størrelse er bedst for mig? De fleste af mine kunder køber deres standardstørrelse. Men jeg anbefaler at følge størrelsesguiden. Placeret lige under "Vælg størrelse"
Bred eller Normal - hvilken bredde skal jeg vælge? Hvis modellen også findes i bred. Bredde modeller er to størrelser op i brede end den almindelige størrelse, men samme længde. Jeg anbefaler at vælge bred, hvis du normalt køber brede sko. Mine brede sko svarer til en EEE i størrelse.
Husk der er GRATIS fragt begge veje. Så kan du prøve skoene hjemme. Du sender nemt retur eller bytter via min returportal. Du kan altid få penge tilbage og har 100 dages returret. Vi er ikke fashion:)
Memery er et nyt skomærke der fremstiller vintage style sko og strik som er inspireret af 20’erne frem til 60’erne, dog i nutidige størrelser og med god og behagelig komfort. Originale vintage sko er ofte udtrådte, meget små og ukomfortable.
Memery sko har det samme udtryk som de gamle, men samtidig er de behagelige at have på med de bløde såler og åndbare materialer. Desuden er der et bredt udvalg af størrelser, så de passer alle. - Så til dig der elsker vintagesko er memery et godt alternativ. Skoene er også et godt valg hvis du er til feminine, klassiske og helt enkle sko. Skoene er flotte både til bukser og kjoler og anvendelig til både hverdag og fest.
💕 Mette
Very comfortable...although need a heel grip in one. I fall between 4 and 5 for size. Wish you did half sizes.
Dear Pauline. We're very happy to hear you find our Esther shoes comfortable. We're always more than happy to help you regarding sizing, if you're in between sizes. Usually a pair of shoe pads can help adjust the size a bit, if you're in between sizes. Best DItte
Very comfortable out of the box.
Hi Rita. So happy to hear the shoes fit you perfectly straigh out of the box! Best Ditte
Bought my shoes a few weeks ago and have tried them on. They feel very comfortable and look very attractive. Just need the right occasion and a suitable outfit and will hopefully dance the night away in my beautiful comfortable shoes.
Dear Jill. We're so glad to hear you are happy with your new Etsher shoes. We're sure you'll dance the night away in them. Best Ditte
They're lovely, the fit is perfect and I love them!
This pink, and the suede.... just amazing!
A bit surprised by shipping fees, but I think the quality of the product is worth it!
Hi Vicky. How lovely to hear the rose Esther pumps fit you perfectly! There are some shipping fees to Canada, and we're still working on it, but we're very glad to hear you think the shoes are woth it. Best DItte
These shoes are not only beautiful they are comfortable and a perfect fit. I am thankful that Memery offers a selection of sizes in wide.
Dear Ashlea. We're so happy to hear you like your new Esther shoes and that you appreciate the wide style option, it's lovely to hear. Best Ditte
So, last year I bought my first pair of Esther, green suede shoes and love them soo much I’ve just bought a gorgeous red pair! Brilliantly comfy and so stylish, they make me happy whenever I wear them. It’s very cold today so I’m in my black Ruth boots which compliment my long skirt with Van Gogh print. Thank you Memery for happy feet and happy me.
Hi Rosanna.
Thank you, we're so pleased to hear you liked the Esther so much, you had to have it in more colors! We're very happy to hear you feel both comfortable and stylish in our shoes. Best Ditte
Gorgeous, 'fell head over heels' with these shoes. Perfect fit, though, I will purchase the inset, for stability.
Hello. Thank you for your lovely comment on our Esther shoes, we're very pleased to hear they fit you perfectly. Best Ditte
Lovely shoes! Fit like a glove! As always, excellent quality.
Hi Patricia. So happy to hear they fit you perfectly, and thank you for your kind review. Best Ditte
Hvor er det skønt med en sko til smalle fødder. Skoen er fantastisk at have på
Jeg kommer helt sikkert forbi din butik i løbet at foråret :-)
Kæmpe respekt.
Susanne B. Forup
Hej Susanne. Tusind tak det er så dejligt at høre at du er glad for dine Esther sko. Vi glæder os til at se dig i butikken til foråret. Hilsen Ditte
I am so happy with these shoes. I'm a very tall woman, so quality shoes in an 10.5 w are impossible to find, especially when looking for vintage styles. I did end up with an 11 w after exchanging the 10 w I first got. I had hoped they'd break to a 10.5 but it was obvious upon try on that they were too snug to expand that much. The exchange process was so easy and quick. The 11 w is the tiniest bit big but nothing a slip in half insole won't fix. The availability of wide options was nice to pick from. I was delighted to have several color options as well, most large sizes only come in black due to the lower demand for the size. I've never had green shoes before! The construction and comfort are the best I've had in a long time. I will absolutely be back for more. I am so happy. Mette is a precious woman for her work and care.
Dear Rita. Thank you for sharing your story with us, we're so happy to hear you finally found a green pair of shoes that fit you. Thank. you for your kinnd words, and happy styling with the Esther pumps! Best Ditte