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1920'er vintage style pumps med fransk hæl - Sort - Asta

1.350,00 kr
Gratis Fragt & Gratis Retur
100 dages fuld returret

Lækre blanke vintage inspirerede 20'er pumps

Skoene er fremstillet i ægte læder med blank overflade og er med fransk hæl og rem. Remmen lukkes med knap, der er hæftet på elastik, så den er fleksibel.

Skoene er typisk for 20'erne med lidt spids snude og buet fransk hæl / pompadour hæl.  Hælenes lidt kraftige facon giver god komfort og stabilitet.

Sålen er fremstillet af ægte læder, hvilket gør skoen fleksibel og åndbar. For at give skoen komfort er der bløde silikoneindlæg under lædersålen -  Så slut med ømme fødder efter en lang aften i høje sko.

Også perfekt som Argentinsk tango dansesko og charleston dansesko

Skoene fås i størrelserne 35-43

Der medfølger ekstra såler til hælene.

Materialer: Læder med lædersål

Hælhøjde: 6,5 cm

Farve: Sort

Navn: Asta

Mærke: memery

Hvilken størrelse er bedst for mig? De fleste af mine kunder køber deres standardstørrelse. Men jeg anbefaler at følge størrelsesguiden. Placeret lige under "Vælg størrelse"

Bred eller Normal - hvilken bredde skal jeg vælge? Hvis modellen også findes i bred. Bredde modeller er to størrelser op i brede end den almindelige størrelse, men samme længde. Jeg anbefaler at vælge bred, hvis du normalt køber brede sko. Mine brede sko svarer til en EEE i størrelse.

Husk der er GRATIS fragt begge veje. Så kan du prøve skoene hjemme. Du sender nemt retur eller bytter via min returportal. Du kan altid få penge tilbage og har 100 dages returret. Vi er ikke fashion:)

Memery er et nyt skomærke der fremstiller vintage style sko og strik som er inspireret af 20’erne frem til 60’erne, dog i nutidige størrelser og med god og behagelig komfort. Originale vintage sko er ofte udtrådte, meget små og ukomfortable.

Memery sko har det samme udtryk som de gamle, men samtidig er de behagelige at have på med de bløde såler og åndbare materialer. Desuden er der et bredt udvalg af størrelser, så de passer alle. - Så til dig der elsker vintagesko er memery et godt alternativ. Skoene er også et godt valg hvis du er til feminine, klassiske og helt enkle sko. Skoene er flotte både til bukser og kjoler og anvendelig til både hverdag og fest.

💕 Mette


Customer Reviews

Based on 69 reviews
Smart and Elegant

Lovely black shoes, heel, a smidge higher than thought, but, okay.
Some difficulty with the strap/ button. Though, with wear will become easier.

Thank you for your lovely review, we're so pleased to hear you like your new Asta shoes. As the leather softens up in time, the button closure will also become easier to close. Best Ditte

Amazing pair of shoes!

They are absolutely gorgeous and I love them. They were delivered in 48 hours and I wholeheartly recommend them.

Hi Maria. We're so pleased to hear you love your new Asta pumps, and you were happy about the short shipping time. Best Ditte

Perfect period accurate shoes

I can't rave about these enough. They are perfect period accurate shoes for the 1920s. I love all the details, from the button closure to the shape of the heel. I was a bit worried about the fit, given the button closure is not as adjustable as the buckle versions, but I needn't have been. I bought my usual size and they fit like a dream. Thank you for creating quality reproduction shoes with much more affordable pricing and shipping than most other brands on the market.

Dear Erin. Thank you so much for your lovely review of your new Asta pumps! So glad to hear you appreciate all the littel details, it's what we love the most! Best Ditte

Kat S.
Excellent quality

These shoes are very authentic-looking and the quality, as always, is superb . I now have quite a collection of Memery shoes and have never been disappointed. The buttons on these are a little hard to open to begin with and the strap is quite tight on the unstep, but these issues will improve with wear. They look wonderful on and the fit is excellent. Highly recommended.

Dear Kat. We're so glad to hear you love the Asta pumps to your growing collection of memery shoes! Our shoes are made of leather, which means in time they will soften and take shape after your feet. Happy styling! Best Ditte

Donna B.
Beautiful Shoes

I love my new shoes! Very pretty and comfortable to wear.

Hi Donna. So glad to hear you are happy with your new Asta pumps and you find them both beautiful and comfortable. Best Ditte

Ginger D.
Elegant and Beautiful

I love my black Asta shoes I recently purchased! The heel is the perfect height and the shoe is very comfortable. I have several 1920's style dresses and these shoes were the icing on the cake for completing the look I was going for.

Kendal B.
Beautiful shoes

I was looking for a pair of shoes to mark the beginning of my 1920's era in my wardrobe, and I settled on these, and I'm glad I did. They're beautiful and comfortable and I think go well with a variety of dresses (which I'm still working on). I look forward to having 1920's style shoes by Memery in other styles and colours but I'm very happy with this pair as my starter shoes!

Marilyn B.
1920's Mary Jane Pumps

The pictures of these shoes are great, but wait til you put them on your feet. Very comfortable, great looking, and compliments all around. The smooth leather inside adds to the comfort and the black leather was polished so well that they almost look like patent leather. Did I mention that these shoes are comfortable? Highly recommended--treat yourself well and try these amazing shoes.

Amazing quality

The box and careful packaging are incredible and the shoes are beautifully made of the softest leather. Really gorgeous shoes. My foot is quite wide though so I will be returning these sadly for the wide fit Mary Jane and can’t wait for them to arrive when back in stock. Don’t hesitate to buy these shoes.

I love it

I already own a few pairs and am always thrilled.
Super comfortable even with a heel.
Very recommend.